Vol. 5 (2006): Annexes of Antiquity and Christianity: Begastri, New Studies

Antigüedad y Cristianismo

Vol. 5 (2006): Annexes of Antiquity and Christianity: Begastri, New Studies

Making the memory of excavations of a moderately short campaign consists of describing as precisely as possible what was found in it. It is not always easy, because in order to describe what has been found it is essential to have understood it, something that does not usually happen until the excavator takes a pulse on the site, but it is not impossible to approach this elementary description. A site is a complex matter, because in addition to describing it is inevitable to recreate the morphology of the site, of the type to which the site belongs and fill with flesh and blood the life that was lived first in each of its stages and then formalize the settlement history.

Published: 07-02-2006
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/ayc
Frequency: Anual