No. 24 (2007): The Byzantine presence in "Hispania" (VI-VII centuries): the archaeological documentation
Antigüedad y Cristianismo
Since half a century ago, Prof. H. Schlunk proclaimed his admiration for the fact that Byzantine art revealed its reflections in the Iberian Peninsula only in Asturian art, just at the furthest point from where its attested political presence was According to the sources, the investigation has been waiting for such an admirable appearance to be nuanced and clarified since it was not easy to admit that it was real and worthy of credit and scientific acceptance. Since then many things have happened, which have been opening clouds of a light that was sensed in the distance. First was the discovery of the reality of Late Antiquity in peninsular archeology. Then the reading of the tablet of Comenciolo made us remember that there was Byzantine art documented in the city of Cartagena. Later we ourselves proclaimed that the Byzantine limes could be specified in the castles documented in Puerto de la Cadena, in Alhama, in Puerto Lumbreras and in other places to be specified, but with features that were sufficiently clear and decisive to go. discovering the historical entity of that historical period that had not yet manifested itself in the brightness of its material reality ........