San Cristóbal: iconological and iconographic meaning


  • María Dolores García Cuadrado
Keywords: Saint Christo

Supporting Agencies

  • Sain Cristobal
  • Iconography


The iconographic and iconological significance of the figure of Saint Christopher has its origin in the pagan traditions connecting him with deities and heroes from Aeneas or Hercules to Annubis as a soul bearer in its role as a psycopomp. Its depiction has its roots in the Golden Legend in the 13th century. The cult was widespread during the Middle Ages both in Western and Eastern, albeit with different iconographies. Although the worship of this saint went into decline after the Counter-reformation nowadays he has benefit of the popular veneration as the patron saint of the travellers. His iconography has remained essentially the same over the centuries although its artistic representations have undergone changes according to the aesthetic values of each period.


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How to Cite
García Cuadrado, M. D. (2000). San Cristóbal: iconological and iconographic meaning. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (17), 343–366. Retrieved from