The Jewish girl in Greco-Roman times: the early years


  • Mónica Alamar Laparra
Keywords: Childhood, girl, jewish


This article deals on the first years of the Jewish girls in the Graeco-roman period, specifically of the attitudes towards their birth and the relationship with their mother. In spite of the obligation of raising both sons and daughters, male descendance was always more highly valued among the jews; the reasons for this preference lies in the very patriarchal structure of their society. As to the mother-daughter relationship, the epigraphic and papirological evidences are scarce and our main sources are the Greek texts of the Hellenistic Judaism, although the former are not clearly described, either.


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How to Cite
Alamar Laparra, M. (2000). The Jewish girl in Greco-Roman times: the early years. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (17), 315–336. Retrieved from