
  • Luis Rubio Hernansáez
Keywords: Cántabros, matriarchy, Astur monarchy, chieftaincy, heritage systems, indigenous system, Goths


This essay deals with the ancient inhabitants of the "Cordillera Cantabrica" in the north of Spain. It tries to explain some features, specially those refering to matriarchy, its causes and ulterior consequences. In the same way, and from this perspective a revision of the origins of the Astur monarchy is going to be exposed, as well as the chieftaincy and heritage systems, it will also be considered the hypothetic manipulation on the written sources and the tensions between the indigenous system and that introduced by the Goths.


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How to Cite
Rubio Hernansáez, L. (1997). THE ASTURES AND THE BEGINNINGS OF THE ASTUR MONARCHY (AN APPROACH). Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (14), 299–319. Retrieved from