
  • Carmen Alfaro Giner
Keywords: woman, Late Roman Empire, classical tradition, S. Juan Crisostomo


The role given to woman in the classical tradition contrast with the part played by women in the Late Roman Empire, as seen in the works of S. Juan Crisóstomo, who advocates for a woman wirhout any sort of public life, a woman for whom honesty is no longer possible beyond her home's doorstep. S. Juan Crisóstomo, for whom there are three types of women (youthful virgin, married or widowed), depicts woman as weak and helpless, both phisicallñy and intellectually, but she nevertheless possesses qualities which will exert a powerfull influence on a man's life.


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How to Cite
Alfaro Giner, C. (1997). BETWEEN CLASSIC TRADITION AND CHRISTIAN MORALITY: WOMEN IN THE WORK OF SAN JUAN CRISÓSTOMO. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (14), 135–149. Retrieved from