The beginnings of epigraphy in the Iberian Peninsula


  • Gonzalo Fernández
Keywords: epigraphy, iberian peninsula, Crown of Aragon, Crown of Castilla, Portugal


In this work I am going to deal with the initiators of epigraphic science in the Coronas de Aragón, Castilla y Portugal. Those pioneers were Antonio Agustin in Aragon, Ambrosio de Morales and Rodrigo Caro in Castilla and, finally, Lucio Andrés de Resende in Portugal. Before analyzing their figures, however, I will mention the oldest Europeans who collected Latin and Greek inscriptions. (...)


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How to Cite
Fernández, G. (1993). The beginnings of epigraphy in the Iberian Peninsula. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (10), 657–660. Retrieved from