Cristianismo y aculturación en la política de Justiniano (según Procopio de Cesarea)


  • Rita Marín Conesa


The author studies the union of the greek-roman philosophy of the liingship and that of the Jewish-Christian theology and the fusion of the hellenistic cosmologico-political ideas with the Christian theological ideas, basing his investigations on the conceptualization of the question of the conversion of the barbarians; the way the Emperor treats the heretics; and in the treatment of the paganism more or less related to certain nacionalisms. The article finishes analysing the opinion of the historian Procopius on the subjects here under study.


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How to Cite
Marín Conesa, R. (1990). Cristianismo y aculturación en la política de Justiniano (según Procopio de Cesarea). Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (7), 541–549. Retrieved from