Las cuevas de Herrera / San Felices – ¿Un eremitorio cristiano?


  • Ignacio Alonso Martínez
  • Juan B. Olarte
  • Juan Ignacio López de Silantes Valgañón
  • José Luis García Cubillas


This is a topographical, archaeological and place name description of the outstanding rock carved complex at the foot of the




Camáldula de Herrera, situated on the border between the autonomic regions of La Rioja and Castilla-León (between Haro and Miranda). There are two groups of caves. The upper one is perfectly conserved and the lower one very deteriorated. Its architectural magnifi cence, especially visible in the grotto superior suggests it was used as a place of worship. This interpretation is supported by the tradition of the site still visible today in the Camáldula de Herrera.


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How to Cite
Alonso Martínez, I., Olarte, J. B., López de Silantes Valgañón, J. I., & García Cubillas, J. L. (2006). Las cuevas de Herrera / San Felices – ¿Un eremitorio cristiano?. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (23), 685–712. Retrieved from

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