La inscripción CIL II 3037 y una posible calzada romana de Complutum a Madrid


  • A. U. Stylow


The revisión of E. HÜBNER’S manuscript sources for his edition of the disappeared inscription CIL II 3037 shows that all the information we possess about it stems from an 18th century autograph by A. M. BURRIEL, collaborator of L. J. VELÁZQUEZ, whose drawing gives a precise idea of the form and decoration of that stele and allows to establish defi nitively the reading of the inscription. From his detailed description of the exact place of its discovery, missunderstood by HÜBNER, results that it was situated at the extreme west end of one of the necropolis of


Complutum, next to the Torote bridge and a hypothetical Roman road running westward from Complutum towards Madrid.


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Author Biography

A. U. Stylow

Centro CIL II

Universidad de Alcalá

How to Cite
Stylow, A. U. (2006). La inscripción CIL II 3037 y una posible calzada romana de Complutum a Madrid. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (23), 427–435. Retrieved from