Study Problems in the Case of the Portraits of El–Fayum


Keywords: painting, Egypt, portrait, encaustic, syncretism


The mummification process of the ancient Egyptians has created great myths about this civilization but the process of creating the mummies was not immutable throughout the entire history of Egypt. Such is so, that before El-Fayum's portraits we find ourselves facing the best example in which three great civilisations converge, such as Egypt, Greece and Rome, in the same space-time framework. Nevertheless, this fact has meant a grievance as for its conservation, not having a clear answer about which researchers were better prepared to study them. Another one of the most outstanding peculiarities of these portraits, is the pictorial technique used, the great information it give us about the physical aspect of the mummy and even the social position they occupied, since until the appearance of these portraits, not everyone could afford a funeral in which its remains were mummified.


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How to Cite
Caravaca Guerrero, C. I. (2021). Study Problems in the Case of the Portraits of El–Fayum . Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (38), 17–32.