El culto a Baco en la religión romana y los textos de Fortuna (Murcia)


  • José Luis Ramírez Sádaba


In the texts from the Cueva Negra in Fortuna, various Greek-Latin divinities are mentioned. The place and nature of the texts have given rise to different interpretations. For some it was a sanctuary, whose divinities most likely were the Nymphs; for others, the poems are not votive inscriptions in the strict sense of the word, but rather literary clichés. After analyzing the documents in their wider context, it is clear that in the epigraphy of the Peninsula there is not one dedication to Bacchus. These votive epigraphies were dedicated to Liber. For this reason, it can be presumed that the Cueva Negra could have been a place of cult to the Nymphs, but not to Bacchus. In other words: if the hispano/romans had wanted to pay him tribute they would have done so under the advocation to Liber


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How to Cite
Ramírez Sádaba, J. L. (2003). El culto a Baco en la religión romana y los textos de Fortuna (Murcia). Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (20), 317–324. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/ayc/article/view/383731