Modern Investigation of Suspicious Documents: Issues of Fiction, Forgery and Authenticity


  • Javier Martínez
  • Isabel Velázquez
Keywords: Fake, falsification, papyrus


One might think that in the 21st century the subject of ancient forgeries and falsifiers would not make headlines in the daily press, yet on April 10, 2014, the New York Times echoed a recent heated academic debate. The news announced "Papyrus referring to Jesus' Wife is more likely ancient than fake, scientists say", i.e. "Papyrus referring to Jesus' wife is more likely ancient than fake, scientists say".1 The papyrus in question was released to the public in 2012 at a conference in Rome, where Karen King of the Harvard Divinity School provocatively named the text fragment - a rectangular piece of papyrus measuring about 4 × 8 cm - as the "Gospel of the Wife of Jesus".


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K.K. RUTHVEN, Faking Literature, Cambridge 2001.

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How to Cite
Martínez, J., & Velázquez, I. (2012). Modern Investigation of Suspicious Documents: Issues of Fiction, Forgery and Authenticity. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (29), 9–18. Retrieved from