La evaluación participativa de un programa de formación para una participación activa e intercultural


  • Pilar Folgueiras
Keywords: Participative evaluation, training program, active and intercultural participation, women's participation


This article starts of the theoretical and methodological basis fundamental to the elaboration, application and evaluation of a training program for active and intercultural participation specifically designed for women. The programme is based in the participatory evaluation methodology, which allows the participation of the research subjetcs in the entire process of the evaluation.

We present the participative evaluation model: diagnostic evaluation that includes an examination of the project origins and a depth diagnosis of female migrants in the context of their exercise of participation and an analyze of apllication context; evaluation of its application that contains an account of the research work as developed during the programme application; and final evaluation that analyzes the effects of the programme related to ist objectives and the needs identified in the diagnostic evaluation.


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How to Cite
Folgueiras, P. (2007). La evaluación participativa de un programa de formación para una participación activa e intercultural. Journal of Educational Research, 25(2), 491–511. Retrieved from