Normality, Disability, and Special Educational Needs

Perspectives and Experiences of Caregivers of Children in Early Childhood Education


Keywords: persons with disabilities, special education needs, inclusive education, normalizing

Supporting Agencies

  • Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo de Chile (ANID)


Inclusive education has been the primary route chosen for the education of students with disabilities or special educational needs in Chile. Nevertheless, accessing quality education involves navigating a lengthy journey and making decisions that become more challenging when choosing between inclusive or special education. The objective of this article was to explore the challenges and supports identified by caregivers of students with disabilities or special educational needs, as well as what adaptations they and their environments have had to incorporate for the full development of the children under their care. By employing a qualitative methodology, we conducted eleven semi-structured interviews and three ethnographic observations. The results emphasize the proactive role of caregivers in assuming administrative functions within the school community. However, the most notable aspect was their capacity for adaptation and reconceptualization regarding disability and normality, sometimes conflicting with those in their family environments and their own beliefs. This provides evidence of an innovative adaptation involving the reshaping of expectations and conceptualizations that impact educational trajectories.


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How to Cite
Briceño González, R., Martínez Rebolledo, C., & Davidoff Ustilovsky, A. (2025). Normality, Disability, and Special Educational Needs: Perspectives and Experiences of Caregivers of Children in Early Childhood Education. Journal of Educational Research, (43).