Assessing Contradictory Information

Effectiveness of a Program for the Development of Critical Thinking in Adolescents


Keywords: critical thinking, questioning, evidence, comprehension, reading

Supporting Agencies

  • Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación


Information and communication technologies provide us with multiple sources and diverse information on the same subject, which makes it difficult to assess this information and draw conclusions from it. This article presents the results of an intervention program aimed at promoting critical thinking, focusing on teaching students to elaborate critical questions and enabling them to correctly select and evaluate the evidence presented in the texts. The study was carried out with four groups of secondary education students (2 control groups and 2 intervention groups) in a natural sciences course. The results show a greater ability to formulate critical questions, and a greater ability to correctly select and evaluate the evidence of the texts by participants in the intervention groups, compared to the students of the control groups. These results support the possibility of teaching students to assess the reliability of the information they read, which is a priority nowadays to help them develop critical thinking to face the multiple contradictory pieces of information at their disposal.


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How to Cite
Pérez Garcia-Madrid, R., Castells Gómez, N., & Minguela, M. (2025). Assessing Contradictory Information: Effectiveness of a Program for the Development of Critical Thinking in Adolescents. Journal of Educational Research, (43).