Education and Protection
A Study of Secondary Education of Young People in Protection
Supporting Agencies
- Basque Government
Education is crucial in helping young people integrate into society and professional life, especially those transitioning from residential care. However, this group faces greater challenges in completing secondary education. This article aims to raise awareness of the obstacles influencing their access to secondary education and their successful progression through this educational stage. Thus, a research study has been designed employing a mixed-methods methodology. A questionnaire (EVAP4- TABA International Research) was administered to 139 young individuals who had previously been in residential care, and 22 interviews were conducted with this group. Besides, semi-structured interviews were carried out with 15 professionals from the Second Chance Schools attended by these young individuals. The results suggest several obstacles preventing this group from participating in and completing their secondary education, including issues related to their educational self-perception, past experiences, educational center methodologies, and language difficulties, as well as the need for adaptation. On the other hand, there is a clear need to work on this group’s social labeling. Young people internalize the labels associated with them, which influence their educational self-perception.
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