Analysis of Predictor Variables of Academic Satisfaction in International Master’s Students


Keywords: international students, master’s degrees, student satisfaction, student motivation, self-efficacy

Supporting Agencies

  • MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033


International student mobility (ISM) is a phenomenon with a great impact on the internationalisation policies of higher education institutions. However, in the Spanish context it is necessary to expand the research carried out especially at the postgraduate level. This article aims to approach the phenomenon of transitions in this group by analysing motives for choice, expectations of self-efficacy, and initial motivation and adaptation as predictors of academic satisfaction. A quantitative study is carried out using scales of the socio-cognitive constructs of academic adaptation to a sample of 314 students of official master's degrees in the field of Social Sciences (181 native and 133 international) in Catalonia. The results obtained shed light on the explanation of academic satisfaction among master’s students as a key element for success in their transitions; it is influenced by a set of independent variables such as reasons for choice and motivation and adaptation to studies. All this should help us to approach the phenomenon of ISM in order to improve their social, cultural and academic adaptation processes, promoting support actions for an important group in and for our university system.


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How to Cite
Valls-Figuera, R. G., & Torrado-Fonseca, M. (2025). Analysis of Predictor Variables of Academic Satisfaction in International Master’s Students. Journal of Educational Research, (43).