Problems of systems with mixed school provision

Analysis of the private subsidized network in Chile


Keywords: reform, educational policy, selectivity, markets, Chile


The Chilean education system is characterized by a type of mixed provision and the participation of the private sector in school provision, which is consolidated as the network with the highest enrolment in the country. However, the reasons behind its consolidation, its characteristics, and the effects of its expansion on the organization of school provision remain underrepresented in the educational debate. It is therefore relevant to ask how the private subsidized network is composed and how its attributes interact with the institutional characteristics of school provision in a context of regulatory changes. The study focuses on what the characteristics of schools are, inquiring into the attributes of status recognized by families, school selectivity then connecting with the broader discussion on mixed provision systems. For this purpose, an exploratory factorial technique is used to descriptively characterize schools, considering the 906 schools in the Santiago Metropolitan Area. Among the main findings, the results are confirmatory with respect to the attributes theoretically linked to status in contexts of competition and school choice, highlighting that their traditional sources - the collection of fees, composition, and performance - present a pattern of grouping and constitute a stable basis of status for schools. On the other hand, access selectivity practices interact more directly with demand for schooling, offering differentiation within higher status schools. 


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How to Cite
Carrasco Bahamonde, J. A., & Gedda Muñoz, R. (2024). Problems of systems with mixed school provision: Analysis of the private subsidized network in Chile. Journal of Educational Research, 42(1), 183–201.