A snapshot of university research through the lens of university social responsibility


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/rie.545671
Keywords: social responsibility, participatory research, applied research, basic research, cluster analysis

Supporting Agencies

  • Erasmus program (2020-1-ES01-KA203-081978)
  • Ministry of Universities (RTI2018-097349-B-I00)


University research in the framework of university social responsibility implies a commitment to society, which means that maximum stakeholder participation should be encouraged, mainly for emancipatory purposes. In this study we describe the state of the art in university research from an inclusive point of view according to the level of stakeholder participation in the research process. To this end, 80 interviews were held with research groups in five European countries. Results show that, in general, there is no inclusive participation, and that information about research outcomes is only shared with stakeholders through media channels. In addition, no differences were found between areas of research, and although applied research seems to be more participatory than basic research, in general the participation is self-interested on the part of the researcher. These results reveal a need to re-examine research quality evaluation policies that are centred on academic impact, but which do not take the social relevance of research into account.


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How to Cite
Ferrández-Berrueco, R., Sales, A., Sánchez-Tarazaga, L., & Ruiz Bernardo, P. (2023). A snapshot of university research through the lens of university social responsibility . Journal of Educational Research, 41(2), 455–477. https://doi.org/10.6018/rie.545671