New challenges for guidance in inclusive education and children's rights
Assessment of the capacity to participate
As stated in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), children and young people have a right to participate and ensure that their opinions are considered in accordance with their capacity and maturity. The aim of this study is to find out whether this right is known in the educational community of Castilla y León and which professionals would have to assess children’s capacity to participate. To achieve it, a mixed methodology has been designed, carrying out in-depth interviews with 43 people related to attention to diversity programs, nested-case studies (31 cases and 135 participants, including students with special support needs, families, and teachers), and a survey of 148 members of various School Boards. The results indicate a general lack of knowledge of the CRC. They also suggest that educational psychologists are most qualified to assess child capacity within collaborative models. And improvement measures to help overcome the difficulties mentioned in relation to this new approach are proposed.
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