Challenges of Educational Research after the COVID-19 Pandemic


Keywords: Educational Research,, Educational Technology,, Sustainable Development,, Research Training.

Supporting Agencies

  • Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Spain)


This paper provides a panoramic vision of the challenges of educational research in a current context characterized by the COVID 19 pandemic at the international level. It is based on the keynote lecture given on the occasion of the 2020 Ibero-American Award for Excellence in Educational Research awarded to the author of this article. The analysis of the social, economic, health and educational effects of the COVID 19 pandemic serves as a point of reference to mark possible scientific trajectories on which educational research can travel. They are marked as spaces of interest for new studies; ICT and Education; sustainable development and research training, among others. In each one of them, themes and questions that can be assumed are pointed out and proposed to contribute valuable educational scientific knowledge to society. This systematization aims to guide and encourage young researchers to work on relevant issues that constitute a present and future challenge for educational research.


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How to Cite
Colás Bravo, M. P. . (2021). Challenges of Educational Research after the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Educational Research, 39(2), 219–233.