Attitudes of secondary schools teachers towards students diagnosed with mental disorder at the school in the province of Concepción and Diguillín: A qualitative study


Keywords: attitudes, secondary school teachers, students, diagnosis of mental disorder


Teachers' attitudes towards students with a diagnosis of mental disorder have been little explored in Chile and Latin America, despite their importance due to the impact they have on the learning process of students. The present study aimed to describe the attitudes of secondary school teachers towards students who present a diagnosis of mental disorder. This research used a qualitative methodology with a phenomenological approach. Content and thematic analysis was used to analyze the corpus. The sample was obtained for convenience and corresponded to 30 middle school teachers average coming from schools of different administrative dependency (municipal, subsidized and private). Semi-structured interviews were carried out, due to theoretical saturation. The results show that middle school teachers show contradictory, positive and negative attitudes towards their students with mental disorder (TM). Negative attitudes have to do with fear and dangerousness while positive attitudes are related to support and favorable expectations of success. Negative attitudes are comparable to those held by the general population, while positive attitudes and favorable expectations of success towards their students could be explained by the impact of inclusive education in schools and the theory of contact. These results should serve to guide educational establishments in improving teachers' attitudes towards students with TM.


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How to Cite
Cariaga Balboa, C., & Grandon Fernández , P. (2021). Attitudes of secondary schools teachers towards students diagnosed with mental disorder at the school in the province of Concepción and Diguillín: A qualitative study. Journal of Educational Research, 39(1), 283–298.