Inclusive education and labour insertion from a capabilities approach: a phenomenological and functional diversity perspective
Supporting Agencies
- Universidad Industrial de Santander
- Center for Technology and Innovation Management Research (INNOTEC)
Functional diversity conforms to a biopsychosocial model that aims to introduce inclusive education and labour insertion in the social, political, economic and cultural contexts where people with functional characteristics, different from the rest of the population are immersed, in relation to the discrimination and vulnerability scenarios that they must constantly deal with in educational and work settings. The university becomes a relevant participant in the construction of structural changes, understanding that if its actions promote inclusion by enhancing their students’ and graduates’ capabilities, it will be possible to dignify and recognize equity guarantees. This study focused on the analysis of life experiences in the academic and work environment of professionals with functional diversity graduated from the Universidad Industrial de Santander-UIS-. In addition, a proposal is made to improve the actions carried out by the university with this population regarding the implementation of the Inclusive Education Policy. In terms of methodology, the phenomenological approach was implemented based on the analysis of the experiences of these students during and after their time at the university; the study was validated by triangulation, contrasting the information collected from the participants'stories, the data collection techniques and the analysis of the theoretical-conceptual referent.
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