Deficits in the training of Teachers and Educators about intellectual giftedness: A handicap for Elementary Education in Andalusia.
The research's goal was to analyze the training that teachers about giftedness from their undergraduate and graduate degrees in Andalusia. Hypothesis: Teachers do not have sufficient undergraduate and graduate training to be able to work in the classroom with the special educational needs of gifted children. Based on our objective and hypothesis, we have carried out an analysis of the undergraduate and graduate university curricula linked to giftedness in the public and private universities of Andalusia. Methodology: Documentary analysis, using public and official information, of degree and postgraduate, in gifted, through 5 variables, in all the public universities of Andalusia, and the UNED, in Degrees linked to the reference personnel in Andalusia's schools: 35 undergraduate subjects, and 184 specific topics or modules on gifted children. Eight postgraduate degrees were also studied, as well as the national private offer. Results: The Andalusia average in undergraduate training on giftedness is only 0.63% of optional credits (37.72 hours) and 0.22% of compulsory credits (13.07 hours) in giftedness. In postgraduate studies, these credits are not exclusively focused on giftedness, with the average number of credits used in training students being 1.35% of the total for the postgraduate course.
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