Criteria and statistical models of school effectiveness


Keywords: Effective schools research; Best practices; Educational assessment; Hierarchical linear modeling

Supporting Agencies

  • Ministerios de Ciencia e Innovación. Ministerio de Economía. Proyectos de I D


The aim of this paper is to present the statistical criteria and models used in a school effectiveness research carried out in the Basque Country Autonomous Community using as outcome variable the mathematics, spanish language and basque language scores. These scores come from the Diagnosis Assessments applied for five years. Four school effectiveness criteria are defined: extreme scores, extreme residuals, scores growth and residuals growth. Multilevel regression techniques have been applied using hierarchical linear models (HLM). Results have permitted a selection of both high and low effective schools based on four different and complementary school effectiveness approaches.


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How to Cite
Lizasoain Hernández, L. (2020). Criteria and statistical models of school effectiveness. Journal of Educational Research, 38(2), 311–327.