Sensibilidad intercultural, clima escolar y contacto intergrupal en estudiantes de educación primaria y secundaria de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile
Supporting Agencies
- Esta investigación se ha realizado dentro del proyecto FONDECYT de Postdoctorado N° 3170528 subvencionado por la Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT). La investigación ha sido patrocinada por el Instituto Nacional de Derechos Humanos y por la Universidad Central de Chile.
In this study the intercultural sensitivity was assessed together with school climate and intergroup contact of 1729 primary and secondary students from Santiago de Chile, 74,4% were born in Chile. The study was a cross-sectional quantitative study with self-administered questionnaires. Data was analysed using T-Students, ANOVA and multiple linear regression. The results show that students have intercultural sensitivity with no difference by age. At the same time, girls and foreign-born children present more intercultural sensitivity than their peers. The results also show that the mere presence of students from different nationalities does not favour intercultural sensitivity. It is the school climate, especially through support to cultural pluralism, positive and negative interactions with peers, together with intercultural contact in the form of doing homework together, that affect intercultural sensitivity, explaining 23% of its variance. The results are in line with international studies and are an input for multicultural classrooms focused in intercultural communication between students of different nationalities.
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