Español Español
In this research, we established the hypothesis that a proactive tutoring model, focused on the continuous monitoring and follow-up of the online student, improves the rate of approved students and student satisfaction. To validate this hypothesis, we describe and compare the results of the satisfaction surveys and the approved rate of the courses taught through the Coordinated Study Plan in Financial Advisory of the Center for Permanent Training of the Polytechnic University of Valencia. We included in the research 27 courses that follow a proactive tutoring model with a total of 5.613 students enrolled and a sample of 2.500 questionnaires and 30 courses that follow a reactive tutoring model with a total of 1.139 students enrolled with a sample of 583 questionnaires. The results obtained permit accepting the initial hypothesis, confirming that in the courses that a proactive tutoring model was followed, the approved rate is 27% higher and regarding student satisfaction in both types of tutoring the general pattern of responses to the survey, with certain differences in their distribution, were similar, although satisfaction is higher in courses that have followed a proactive tutoring model, while dissatisfaction is greater in those with a reactive tutoring.
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