Perceptions about concept and management of diversity in a school in a democratization process
Supporting Agencies
- Proyecto I D más amplio (Cod
- P1•1B2013-32)
- subvencionado por la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón (2014- 2016)
The aim of this work is to analyze the conception of diversity and its management in a center immersed in a school democratization project, by the perceptions of the actors involved. Through a case study we focus on the analysis of educational practices developed in a rural school in the province of Valencia. The data collection has been made through classroom observations, interviews and session diaries. A thematic content analysis has been carried out for data analysis. The results show how a variety of opinions exist regarding diversity by the school community members. Among the diversity management strategies used in the classrooms from an inclusive and democratic approach, some of them are highlighted such as direct support, task difficulty ranking, co-teaching or peer support. From the centre practices, such as the expanded commission, benefits and difficulties have been shown. Conclusions are related to the premises that facilitate democratization process taking into account diversity and their effective management.Downloads
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