Investigation-based learning in secondary education
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- Universidad del País Vasco
Active and contextualized learning strategies provide the possibility of bringing the knowledge learned closer to real life. The study presented here has been carried out in secondary schools in the San Sebastián area (Spain) and the city of Nantes (France). Its fundamental aim is to describe the opinions of secondary school students in both cities regarding generic aspects of research-based learning. Results show that students consulted in the study highlight the importance of investigation-based learning strategies and those based on the functionality of learning, the search for information and the promotion of affective and emotional factors of learning. Students who have passed in all their subjects have confidence in the educational work of the school, they like reading and writing, participating in class and self-evaluating their work. Moving towards quality education, where all students develop their possibilities to the maximum, requires a new approach to the roles of teacher and student based on the promotion of research and the development of emotional skills in teaching and learning processes as two of the basic building blocks of the education of the future.Downloads
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