Abandonment in the student’s educational itinerary of ADE of the University of Barcelona
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- EDU 2009-10351
- EDU 2012-31563
This article focuses on the analysis of the abandonment of ADE’s career in the first, second and third years. It aims to analyze the moment of abandonment throughout the study period, to identify the different causes that make/cause students abandon; it also describes the abandonment reasons over the three years. The methodology is descriptive in quantitative terms, using a questionnaire as a tool for collecting information. We present, firstly, the quantitative analysis of the reasons for abandonment and, secondly, the analysis of the students’ discourse. Research shows that university dropout cannot be interpreted solely as abandonment of the education system since a significant number of students re-enter other university degrees or training cycles. It establishes, in turn, clear differences in the causes of abandonment for those students who simultaneously work and study and those who only study. For the latter, demotivation and unfulfilled expectations in relation to the career would be a fundamental cause. We find other reasons for abandonment preeminent in the difficulties of reconciliation between work and studies; academic failure, lack of motivation and the construction of a weak professional identity.Downloads
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