Women’s digital skills in the use of social network sites: differences by employment status
Supporting Agencies
- Plan Estatal 2013-2016 Excelencia - Proyectos I D Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
This article presents partial results of the investigation “women as weavers of the social networks: relational strategies and digital inclusion”, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The purpose of this study is to know the digital skills of women in the use of social networks and determine the profiles according to their level of skills. In addition, we analyze differences in digital competence depending on women employment status. To this end, we conducted a survey of 1340 women with different profiles depending on their employment status and their age. We applied a scale to measure digital skills in using social networking sites, which had optimal rates of validity and reliability. The results show a medium-high level of digital skills in the use of social networks, finding that women professional and entrepreneurial show more advanced skills regarding unemployed women. All women surveyed have underdeveloped skills of information management and digital content creation, which has an impact on training for employment.
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