How do pre-university students see private universities? An exploratory study by combination of natural semantic networks and multidimensional unfolding


  • Belén Gutiérrez-Villar Universidad Loyola Andalucía
  • Purificación Alcaide-Pulido Universidad Loyola Andalucía
  • Mariano Carbonero-Ruz Universidad Loyola Andalucía
Keywords: Imagen de universidad, RSN, PRESFCAL


This research studies the determinant attributes of the construction of the perception of private universities generically without referencing brands using a convenience sample of high school seniors in Andalusia. The methodology proposed is an exploratory research study combining two non-habitual techniques: natural semantic networks, a quantitative technique, and multidimensional unfolding, a scaling quantitative technique. The results point to the presence of two different dimensions: the associations with the expected results from private university (training, employment and language) and the required involvement of the student (effort and exchanges) and differences perceived according to sex and the nature of the student’s center of belonging. In addition, there is evidence of the advantages of combining techniques as a triangulation mechanism. Better comprehension of a research problem is verified by using different analysis procedures about the same phenomenon.


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Author Biographies

Belén Gutiérrez-Villar, Universidad Loyola Andalucía

Departamento de Gestión Empresarial. Area de comercialización e investigación de mercados

 Profesora Titular.

Purificación Alcaide-Pulido, Universidad Loyola Andalucía

Departamento de Comunicación y Educación.

Profesora Auxiliar

Mariano Carbonero-Ruz, Universidad Loyola Andalucía

Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos

Profesor titular



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How to Cite
Gutiérrez-Villar, B., Alcaide-Pulido, P., & Carbonero-Ruz, M. (2017). How do pre-university students see private universities? An exploratory study by combination of natural semantic networks and multidimensional unfolding. Journal of Educational Research, 35(2), 519–535.