Personal learning environments of Costa Rican education students: analysis of information search tools


  • Jose Antonio García Martínez UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL COSTA RICA
  • Mercedes González Sanmamed UNIVERSIDAD A CORUÑA
Keywords: personal learning environment, web 2.0, information and communication technologies, university students


Searching for and managing information have become fundamental components of Personal Learning Environments (PLE). This study analyses the level of knowledge, use and training of undergraduate education majors at the Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica and the expected goals and activities that are carried out when handling technological tools to access information.

Based on an ex post facto and cross-sectional research design, an ad hoc questionnaire was created and applied in which 381 students participated. Results show how students’ PLEs need more development according to the rapid evolution of technology. This research emphasizes the ignorance about certain tools, especially web 2.0, as well as the limited use and the limited training that students possess. Recommendations include strengthening the techno-pedagogical training of students to enrich their PLE in their dual role as users and future trainers.


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Author Biographies


Académico e investigador. 

División de Educaciòn para el Trabajo, Centro de Investigaciòn y Docencia en Investigaciòn


Mercedes González Sanmamed, UNIVERSIDAD A CORUÑA

Profesora Titular de Universidad Departamento de Pedagogía y Didáctica Universidad de A Coruña 


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How to Cite
García Martínez, J. A., & González Sanmamed, M. (2017). Personal learning environments of Costa Rican education students: analysis of information search tools. Journal of Educational Research, 35(2), 389–407.