Effectiveness of an intervention program based on the use of ICT in mentoring
The use of technology is increasingly settled in today’s society, but there are few contrasting experiences that demonstrate, whether they can promote from the work of the mentor, substantial improvements in student learning. For this purpose, an investigation is carried out to determine the effectiveness of an intervention program based on the use of ICT’s in mentoring in students of grades 5 and 6 of primary school. This program has been designed to perceive if any improvement occur in the levels of self-esteem, motivation and academic performance. The quasi-experimental method is applied with a pretest-posttest design. The sample involved 196 individuals of Primary school divided 50% into experimental and control group. Results show significant improvements in self-esteem and reading efficiency. However, gender is not a determining factor in achieving results, neither age, occupation and educational level of parents; nor the use of ICT’s and the Internet. As a commitment for the future to give more prominence to the mentor and his/her relationship with the student and family through the use of technologies as a support for the teaching and learning process is proposed.
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