Student’ perceptions of the effectiveness of university learning environments


  • Fermín Navaridas Nalda University of La Rioja
  • María Asunción Jiménez Trens University of La Rioja
Keywords: student perception, learning environments, perceived effectiveness, higher education teachin


This research analyses the perception that university students have regarding the usefulness and effectiveness of the different learning environments that are most frequently taken into account in the teaching guides of their professors. For the study, a total of 908 students enrolled on different degree courses at the University of La Rioja were surveyed, all of them aged between 18 and 22. A self-developed questionnaire was used where each of the teaching environments was as an item that could be answered twice: one referring to the students’ perceived autoeffectiveness drawn from their personal experience as students; the other relative to the importance that students believe the same environment has for their professors. In terms of effectiveness, the results indicate that students assign the highest rating to individual study and professors’ explanations as the best way to achieve their university learning objectives.


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Author Biographies

Fermín Navaridas Nalda, University of La Rioja

Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación

Área de Didáctica y Organización Escolar

Profesor Contratado Doctor

María Asunción Jiménez Trens, University of La Rioja

Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación

Área de Didáctica y Organización Escolar

Profesor Titular de Universidad


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How to Cite
Navaridas Nalda, F., & Jiménez Trens, M. A. (2016). Student’ perceptions of the effectiveness of university learning environments. Journal of Educational Research, 34(2), 503–519.