Self-perceived level of development of learning to learn competence in the university context: a proposed measuring instrument


  • Isabel Muñoz San Roque Universidad Pontificia Comillas
  • José Francisco Martín-Alonso Departamento de Educación, Métodos de Investigación y Evaluación, Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid, C/ Universidad Comillas, 3, 28049, Madrid (España).
  • Leonor Prieto-Navarro Departamento de Educación, Métodos de Investigación y Evaluación, Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid, C/ Universidad Comillas, 3, 28049, Madrid (España).
  • Belén Uros-Sanz Departamento de Educación, Métodos de Investigación y Evaluación, Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid, C/ Universidad Comillas, 3, 28049, Madrid (España).
Keywords: learning to learn, self-regulation, skills assessment

Supporting Agencies

  • Universidad Pontificia Comillas


This paper is part of a research project at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid called EDUCOMPET. This article describes the process involved in designing and validating a scale to measure the self-perception among college students of the development of the learning to learn competence. Key competences are one of the most important facts in European education politics and require a solid theoretical foundation that supports the evaluation instruments. In this paper, the structure of the construct comes from the theory of self-regulation. The structure focuses on three dimensions: learning management, self-assessment and self-learning process as an apprentice. The instrument has been applied to a sample of 458 college students. Exploratory and confirmatory analysis were conducted to validate the theoretical model and
reliability indices, and the suitability of the structural model was determined to justify the validity of the instrument.


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Author Biography

Isabel Muñoz San Roque, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Profesora Departamento de Educación, Métodos de Investigación y Evaluación


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How to Cite
Muñoz San Roque, I., Martín-Alonso, J. F., Prieto-Navarro, L., & Uros-Sanz, B. (2016). Self-perceived level of development of learning to learn competence in the university context: a proposed measuring instrument. Journal of Educational Research, 34(2), 369–383.