Teaching methods in highly effective schools in the Autonomous Region of the Basque Country
Supporting Agencies
- Dirección General de Investigación del Plan Nacional de I D i del Programa Nacional de Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental (EDU2011-24366)
- ISEI-IVEI del Gobierno Vasco
The aim of this paper is to analyze teaching methodologies and teaching resources for schools of high level efficiency in the Basque Country. Following a quantitative methodology, 32 schools that met the criteria to be considered “high value” were selected. After 90 interviews with faculty management teams, educational inspectors and advisors from the Training and Innovation Support were made, the identification of good school practices proceeded. These centers use methodologies and resources of great diversity, though results are not attached to any particular methodology. Methodological innovations in different areas (languages, mathematics and transversal) and methodologies that take time perfecting and adjusting to the needs of the students and of the educational center (group work, cooperative learning, competency-based methodology or through projects among students) were highlighted; however, some centers still use traditional methods and half utilize ICT as a teaching resource.
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