The use of strategies for the learning of mathematics in Compulsory Secondary Education


  • Javier Gasco Txabarri UPV-EHU
Keywords: mathematical education, learning strategies, differences among grades, compulsory secondary education

Supporting Agencies

  • Departamento de Didáctica de la Matemática y de las Ciencias Experimentales de la Universidad del País Vasco


The use of learning strategies in Maths education has an impact on reasoning and problem solving, among other aspects. The aim of this study is to detect differences in the use of these strategies according to the academic grade. These data were collected from 565 students of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade of Compulsory Secondary Education. The tool used for this purpose was adapted from the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). The results
indicate an increase in the employment of the majority of strategies as the grade is superior; the only exception occurs with the strategy of rehearsal. Previous research is not unanimous in defining an evolutionary trend of the use of strategies for the learning of Mathematics in Secondary Education. The data provided in this article are intended to contribute to the understanding of the student’s strategic diversity.


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How to Cite
Gasco Txabarri, J. (2016). The use of strategies for the learning of mathematics in Compulsory Secondary Education. Journal of Educational Research, 34(2), 487–502.