Transforming knowledge in university education. A PCK studies approach
Supporting Agencies
- Proyecto de investigación “El conocimiento profesional del profesorado universitario
- procesos de construcción y transferencia a la práctica docente” (EDU-2008-05964-C03-01/EDUC) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Dirección General de Programas y Transfe
The objective of this paper is to present the process followed and the results obtained in a research project whose aim was to determine how Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) reveals itself in university education, and specifically in the modifications that teaching staff make in their materials so that students may understand them more easily. The research, carried out through case studies, makes uses of various information gathering strategies, such as classroom observations, in-depth interviews with teaching staff, and group interviews with students. The results obtained offer information about some of the specific adaptations carried out by teachers in order to simplify their teaching materials using forms and resources accessible to students’ structures of knowledge. Finally, our results also offer significant information about the characteristics and mode of acquisition of PCK in the university context.Downloads
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