Efectos de la diferencia de edad y sexo entre tutor y tutorado en una intervención cognitivo-conductual dirigida a mejorar la autoestima, basada en una estructura de tutoría recíproca


  • Miguel Moreno Moreno
Keywords: tutoría recíproca, autoestima, autoconcepto, diferencia de edad tutor-tutorado, diferencia sexo tutor-tutorado


Constructs such as self-concept or self-esteem, with a clear dependence of the human environment with respect to formation, development and change, ar strongly modulated, both in its formation and maintenance, by the quality of the interaction of the person with those who surround him, which itself depends on the perceptual characteristics of the person. Beacause of this, the processes of modification of these variables will be affected by simetry-asymetry in age and by the symilarity-difference in gender between the socil agent insolved in the change and the person. To study the relationship between these two dimensions and the modification of self-esteem, self-concept, and behabior in an interactive context a cognitive-behabioral intervention was conducted with an experimental group formed by 39 university students and whas compared with a control group (34 students) that did not received any treatment.


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How to Cite
Moreno Moreno, M. (2000). Efectos de la diferencia de edad y sexo entre tutor y tutorado en una intervención cognitivo-conductual dirigida a mejorar la autoestima, basada en una estructura de tutoría recíproca. Journal of Educational Research, 18(1), 69–82. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rie/article/view/121491
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