Evaluación de programas para alumnos de alta capacidad: algunos problemas metodológicos


  • Javier Tourón


This papar is based on the premise that highly gifted students require a differentiated education and thus the need for the development of programs geared toward the special needs of these students. Research carried out principally in English-speaking countries offers abundant evidence in this regard.

Programmes are faced with a peculiar set of evaluative problems since, if they are to be continued, their effectiveness must be constantly demonstrated. Ongoing evaluation is a guarantee of the continued support of such programmes, wherever they might be in use.

Some of the methodological problems encountered in evaluation are considered, particularly those related to measurement and design. On the other hand, although problems of a unique kind are frequently found in those programmes designed for a specific population, they invariably have many characteristics in common with the general methodological issues. Although the methodology of evaluation presents problems which we have analysed, it is also true that it offers reasonably adequate guidelines for evaluating the effectiveness of such programmes.


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How to Cite
Tourón, J. (2000). Evaluación de programas para alumnos de alta capacidad: algunos problemas metodológicos. Journal of Educational Research, 18(2), 565–585. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rie/article/view/121231