Evolution of non-university digital teacher training in Spain: a comparison among different regions


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/red.593771
Keywords: teacher training courses, teacher digital competence, Spain, autonomous community, information and communication technologies


In recent decades, Information and Communication Technologies have gained significant relevance in all areas of society, including the field of education. This is due, among other reasons, to the transformative methodological potential they present and their multiple possibilities in teaching and learning processes. The presence of digital infrastructure within schools is crucial for integrating technology into them, but it is also necessary for teachers to know how to use it in a didactic and pedagogical way with students. Generally, digital training for teachers has focused more on understanding the tools and their most basic functions than on their pedagogical use within the classrooms. This study analyzes the number and themes of digital training courses offered to teachers by Spanish educational administrations, classifying them into two main areas: (i) knowledge of tools and initiation, and (ii) didactics and curricular content. The results show a change in the content of these teacher training programs over time.


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How to Cite
Napal, M., & Contreras Cintado, E. (2024). Evolution of non-university digital teacher training in Spain: a comparison among different regions. Distance Education Journal, 24(80). https://doi.org/10.6018/red.593771