Validation of the sequential model of the Schoolweavers tool to transform educational ecosystems.


Keywords: educational network, learning ecosystem, social capital, leadership

Supporting Agencies

  • Ministerio de Ciencia y Educación, con número de referencia PID2020-118208RB-I00


Collaboration within educational networks promotes efficient use of human and physical resources, acting as a catalyst for innovation, change and the generation of professional and social capital. This article presents the validation of the sequential model of the Schoolweavers tool developed by the NetEduProject team, with the aim of creating an online resource aimed at management teams that promote strategies to improve the social capital of their schools and, consequently, transform the learning ecosystem through network collaboration. This instrument contains a basic questionnaire that contemplates 6 adaptations depending on the target population. Each of these questionnaires is configured by 3 constructs with a total of 7 dimensions. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analyzes showed evidence of convergence validity, internal and construct reliability, confirming the usefulness of the sequential model as a diagnostic and knowledge transfer tool promoted from the university for the support of the school community, offering its leaders a systemic vision to detect challenges and opportunities.


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How to Cite
Cos Vilar, M., Civís Zaragoza, M., & Díaz Gibson, J. (2023). Validation of the sequential model of the Schoolweavers tool to transform educational ecosystems. Distance Education Journal, 23(74).