Los proyectos colaborativos Universidad-territorio: principios y prácticas de educación-investigación- acción necesarias para la transformación social


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/red.544991
Keywords: community education, participatory methodologies, PAR, collaborative workshop, university-territory partnership, democracy


This article presents some reflections regarding the theoretical, methodological and practical potentialities of university-territory collaboration, as they have been experienced in several collaborative projects in which an attempt has been made to unite teaching with critical research and socio-educational action. Furthermore, we present the characteristics of these initiatives, their theoretical foundations and the principles of action. Specifically, we identify, value and reflect on ten principles that have permeated each project in its three dimensions (teaching-research-action): 1. principle of inclusion, 2. principle of dialogue and creation of spaces for interrelation, 3. principle of creativity, 4. values-based principles, 5. principle of dynamic process, 6. principle of transparency, 7. strategic principle, the importance of Strong Ideas, 8. principle of change and transformation, 9. principle of democratic control and 10. principle of systematization and dissemination of Good Practices. Finally, we present some of the tensions and difficulties in the implementation of these principles, as well as some future perspectives that open in promoting collaborative, transformative practices between the university and the territory.


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How to Cite
Mancila , I., & Habegger Lardoeyt, S. A. (2023). Los proyectos colaborativos Universidad-territorio: principios y prácticas de educación-investigación- acción necesarias para la transformación social . Distance Education Journal, 23(74). https://doi.org/10.6018/red.544991