Argumentation in the Curricular Plan of the Cervantes Institute: analysis of written productions of SFL students


Keywords: Argumentative macrofunction, teaching/learning, Spanish as a Foreign Language, Distance learning

Supporting Agencies

  • Esta publicación es parte del proyecto de I D i “Innovación epistémica de un modelo de comentario argumentativo de textos multimodales en la enseñanza del español como lengua materna y extranjera” / ayuda PGC2018-101457-B-I00, financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ y por “FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa”.


In this paper we present the results of a research on the analysis of argumentative writing by Italian students of Spanish as a foreign language at the University of Salerno (Italy). The need to implement a different model of argumentative macrostructure teaching/learning has led us to consider the following objectives: to verify the positive impact of direct instruction using different real materials in order to investigate whether autonomous and distance learning favours the understanding of the argumentative macrofunction, in response to the research questions of whether intertextuality helps the understanding of the argumentative text structure and favours metalinguistic reflection. After analysing the results, we have been able to confirm that this teaching/learning method has been successful, since in all the analysed texts the elements that make up the prototypical process and several of the resources for argumentation developing indicated in the Instituto Cervantes’ Curricular Plan appear.


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How to Cite
Minervini, R., & Martín Sánchez, M. T. (2023). Argumentation in the Curricular Plan of the Cervantes Institute: analysis of written productions of SFL students. Distance Education Journal, 23(75).