Weaving alliances within and from the university. The case of the Faculty of Education Blanquerna (URL)


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/red.542581
Keywords: networks, partnerships, connections, educational ecosystem, university institution


Universities have often been characterized by a sense of detaching from the real world, by a tendency towards hermetic compartments and by their rigidness. This paper presents the development policy of the relational dimension in higher education that has been led by a new managing position, the Networks and Partnerships Coordination Unit, responsible for the coordination of networks and partnerships. This policy contributes to a model that, beyond the isolated-subject curricula of university degrees, connects topics, disciplines, professionals and context needs through a policy that fosters and increases the social capital of the institution. 

Through a diagnosis of internal and external connections, an action plan is designed. This is regulated by the principle of the universities’ social responsibility and establishes a short-, mid- and long-term action plan in relation to the internal and external dimension of our degree studies. This strategy is monitored through the Networks and Partnerships Unit. This Unit supervises, supports and centralizes different projects and actions, among which there are interdisciplinary inter-studies challenges, S-L within the territory and the develoment of a Magnet Project, among others. These are some of the examples that backbone this strategic line with the aim of transforming our higher education institution into a 360º-scope community educational Hub.


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How to Cite
Civís Zaragoza, M., Flores Muxí, C., & Geis Balagué, Àngels. (2023). Weaving alliances within and from the university. The case of the Faculty of Education Blanquerna (URL). Distance Education Journal, 23(74). https://doi.org/10.6018/red.542581