From “mutual instrumental governance” to “common good governance”: towards new connections between universities and cities.


Keywords: Governance, University governance, City governance, common good

Supporting Agencies

  • ACUP (Catalan Public Universities Association)


The paper aims, first of all, to present the traditional models from which university governance related to community are thought and enact: the “instrumental governance” and the “shared governance or civic engagement”. Secondly, the article shows the theoretical bases of the emergent model of “the common good university governance” based on both the “common good” approach, the Education Cities chart and the UNESCO rapport about education as a global common good. The emergent model of “common good university governance” transforms high education institutions nature and orients them to contribute relevantly to the right to education for all citizens. The paper discusses strengths and weakness of the three models and of some of their most well-known implementations. The paper finishes with a proposal of social and academic debate about five dimensions of this university – community relationship from the common good model: tracking; economy – production; cooperation in knowledge production; research and knowledge transfer; and some transversal issues.


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How to Cite
Collet-Sabé, J., & Castillo Adrián, J. (2023). From “mutual instrumental governance” to “common good governance”: towards new connections between universities and cities . Distance Education Journal, 23(74).