Digital practices and socio-environmental sustainability in basic education in Smart Cities


Keywords: digital skills, sustainable development, basic secondary education, e-learning and b-learning, TIC

Supporting Agencies

  • Technological Institute of Acapulco
  • Autonomous University of Guerrero


The implementation of strategies associated with digital and socio-environmental management in distance education promote sustainability in smart cities; the use of virtual platforms in basic education being relevant. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the incursion of educational platforms was a requirement; however, not all the institutions had the necessary resources and infrastructure for connectivity, such as the secondary schools established on the margins of the municipality of Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico. The study was carried out at two different moments contemplating documentary, applied and longitudinal research to know and verify the factors and digital practices associated with online education, a total of 410 participants (teachers and students) collaborated. A support system for b-learning management was also presented, promoting educational platforms, dabbling in socio-environmental management activities as a comprehensive alternative for teaching-learning and promoting sustainability. The results of the study determined that the lack of resources, infrastructure and platform management is present in basic education and that the digital educational model is an aspiration; On the other hand, offering alternatives for the management of online educational platforms that integrate activities with a socio-environmental focus, opens up possibilities that lead to sustainable development.


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How to Cite
Bedolla Solano, J. J., Bedolla Solano, R., & Miranda Esteban, A. (2023). Digital practices and socio-environmental sustainability in basic education in Smart Cities. Distance Education Journal, 23(72).