Customisation of a diagnostic and feedback process for the development of intermediate algebra competences
Supporting Agencies
- This work has not received any specific grants from funding agencies in the public, commercial or non-profit sectors. funding bodies in the public, commercial or non-profit sectors.
Although there is a long way to go in terms of the application of Personalised Learning and Adaptive Learning in higher education, it has been found that the delivery of personalised trajectories remains an area of opportunity for both institutions and educators. The focus of the present study was on the enrichment of personal learning environments. That is, how a diagnostic test, with an adaptive approach, contributes to the determination of personalised learning trajectories, applied for the purpose of teaching and learning algebra in undergraduate studies. An exploratory case study was chosen, with the participation of three teachers with experience in algebra at a higher level and ten students enrolled in the intermediate algebra course at a higher education institution in southeastern Mexico. To give voice to each participant, a semi-structured interview was applied after the implementation of the test. And the MOODLE Lesson tool was used for the application of the diagnostic instrument. The results indicate that the diagnostic test made it possible to measure the student's knowledge and level of performance, thus helping to identify prior knowledge in a timelier manner and, with this, to refine or improve personalised instruction.
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